“There has been a terrible misreading of modern missions, and it’s
this: our heroes on the mission field were lone rangers who pulled
themselves up by their spiritual bootstraps to take the gospel to the
lost. Finally, that caricature has exploded thanks to Michael A.G.
Haykin, who demonstrates that the founder of modern missions
himself, William Carey, depended not only on God but on close
friendships to bring the good news to unreached peoples. Through
the art of biography, Haykin reminds Christians today that fellowship is not only key to the Christian life but is essential to the
Christian mission. The devil can take down a solo Christian, but
he cannot penetrate a band of Christian brothers who link arms to
advance the gospel.”
—Dr. Matthew Barrett
Professor of Christian theology
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Mo.
“Michael Haykin’s The Missionary Fellowship of William Carey is
among the best I have read on William Carey. Haykin calls our attention to a dimension that ought to be seriously considered, remembered,
and fostered in the context of any Christian ministry. And William
Carey’s successful but stressful life is an outstanding illustration of it.
What would have happened to Carey, the work in India, and his influence worldwide without his friends? This book ought to be read and
discussed not only among missionaries, mission agencies, and mission
organizations worldwide; it should be studied in any ecclesiastical and
ministerial context.”
—Dr. Elias Dos Santos Medeiros
Professor of missions emeritus
Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Miss.
“Pioneers such as William Carey gave birth to the modern missionary movement. It was Carey’s sense of evangelistic passion, set upon
a clear foundation of biblical truth and confidence in the gospel, that
compelled him to leave the safe confines of England and go to India.
The full harvest of William Carey’s ministry will be known only in
eternity. This new biography of Carey is a compelling presentation
of the man, his theology, and his deep love for the nations. Haykin’s
treatment is compelling, is warm-hearted, and will point beyond
Carey to the Savior he loved so deeply.”
—Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
President and Centennial
Professor of Christian Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
“Christian fellowship, friendship, and mission are inexorably linked.
One cannot claim to be on God’s mission and live in isolation; in fact,
any missional effort devoid of a community of friends and coworkers
is vanity. I am thankful for Michael Haykin’s work reminding us—
as Westerners—of the beauty of friendship with like-minded people
and how this principle was visible in the life of William Carey, the
father of modern mission. This book will be a blessing to those who
are students of history, and there are many lessons to be learned in its
pages that will help Christians be multipliers of God’s mission and
—Dr. Ed Stetzer
Billy Graham Distinguished Chair
of Church, Mission, and Evangelism
Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ill.